About the Shoot & Contact Details

About the Shoot

Established in 1982, Low Barugh is a friendly shoot open to all, meeting every other Sunday with registration from 10:15am and the shooting starts at 11am.

Our safety officers are James Seddon, Tom Brown and Geoff Miller.

We have a Section 11(6) Exemption Certificate so even if you do not hold a shotgun certificate, you can come down and shoot so long as you are shooting under the supervision of  a friend who does hold a valid shotgun licence.

We are affiliated to the CPSA (Registration no. C1527)

Shooting consists of a 50 bird English sporting layout (5 stands with 10 clays on each). The shoot is squad based and limited to one round. If there is a group of you we will try to keep you in the same squad and you will be accompanied by a long standing member of the shoot.

If you like the shoot and decide to start coming regularly then you can enquire about becoming a member after 5 visits (subject to availability).


What do you need

A round costs £12 for a non member, £7 for a member and £6 for a junior (under the age of 18).

This is a FIBRE WAD ONLY shoot, shotgun cartridges are available on the day (valid shotgun certificate must be shown upon purchase) if needed at £5 per box (we do not sell cartridges in bulk or per slab).

Please ensure all spent cartridges are placed in the buckets provided.

All semi-automatic or pump shotguns must have a chamber safety flag or tool within the breach when outside of the shooting cage. These are available for purchase at £6.

We also sell embroided Low Barugh Clay Shoot badges for £3.50.

Bring some headwear to protect yourself from clay pieces and for your protection we insist that Eye and Ear protection must be worn.

It is advisable to bring wellies / boots as some areas of the layout are rather muddy / hold water.

Parking is available on site, but please be aware the 250 metre stone access track from the main road contains several large puddles and is muddy in places.

Please ensure the gate is closed at all times as we have cattle and horses that inhabit the land on which we shoot.

Just to re-iterate, you or your friend needs to bring a shotgun (and valid licence) as we don’t carry club guns on site.


Contact Information

If you’re on facebook then you can join our page here https://www.facebook.com/groups/lowbarughclayshoot/ and ask any questions, there are a good number of members who monitor the group.

Contact us via email at : lowbarughclayshoot@gmail.com

Contact us via phone at : J. Seddon (Secretary) 07521 780762

See the location page for directions however our full address is :

Low Barugh Clay Shoot
Off Dearne Hall Road
Barugh Green
South Yorkshire
United Kingdom
S75 1LX